Communicating with us

Communications can take a variety of forms: verbal (through meetings or by telephone), written (through letters, Class DOJO, Google classroom, Tapestry and notes in homework diaries, or email).

Our Students Wellbeing

In a free hour, when our power off choices is when nothing prevents our being able too do what we like best, every all pleasure is to be and every pain.

Academic and Curriculum Policies

Assessments are ongoing in many forms and may not always be recorded- such as questioning and informal discussions. At Loydence, the term “assessment” is used to mean all activities which provide information on learning and progress.

Online Policies

The online policies for a school encompass a comprehensive set of guidelines designed to ensure a safe, respectful, and productive digital learning environment for students, staff, and other stakeholders. These policies typically include provisions addressing responsible technology use, cybersecurity measures, data privacy protection, and acceptable online behavior.

Health and Safety Policies

Managing health and safety is an integral part of managing our business. we need to do a risk assessment to find out about the risks in the workplace, put sensible measures in place to control them, and make sure they stay controlled.

School Culture and Values

All praise and recognition given at school should specifically mention the school values or SHANARRI objectives. In this way, the children will become familiar with them and know how to achieve them. The following table illustrates how our values link to our objectives and what behaviours the children could show in order to receive recognition for their efforts.

Extra Curricular Activities

Children have a core entitlement in terms of the curriculum. Wherever possible, we make this broad, interesting and relevant. However, there are areas of learning that are not within the scope of the usual school day but which we recognise as being beneficial to our children. We aim to offer these extra opportunities through various types of provision delivered by school staff, external providers and independent clubs — all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that children have, enabling them to make informed choices for adult life.

School Bus Policies

Sets out the expectations and requirements for pupils using school bus transportation, including behaviour, safety protocols, and parent responsibilities. This policy ensures that travel to and from school is safe and efficient for all students.

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School Policy