Parents will obviously play the key role in influencing their children in all aspects of safety, at home, at play, and going to and from school. This is particularly true of younger children.
Parents can promote school bus safety in the following ways:
(a) Go over with and discuss with your children the contents of this policy, particularly the responsibilities of the students.
(b) Provide extra help and guidance during the first several weeks of school, especially for EYFS, Year One and Year Two students.
The children must have a good understanding of the behavioural expectations while waiting for the bus, as well as on board; what to do when the bus is late, etc. Safety is of utmost importance and should be emphasised by the parents.
What parents should be aware of regarding school bus service:
(a) Students should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the normal pickup times. The bus will wait for 5 minutes on arrival at a stop, make a single call to the number provided by the parents and will then leave. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their child is on time for the bus.
(b) Parents are responsible for students until they board the school bus and following drop off at their designated stop in the afternoon.
(d) Parents will be responsible for willful damage to school buses caused by their children.
(e) Provide written note or phone call to the school, if your child is to return home by any other means and is not to take the bus home at all.
(f) Do not give your child food to specifically to eat on the bus – no eating allowed – only water.
(g) If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify us at the earliest opportunity, if it is an unplanned absence, please contact the bus chaperone in the morning to let them know.
Students using the school bus must remember they are responsible for their behaviour and must follow the instructions from the bus driver and chaperone at all times.
Bus drivers and chaperones are responsible for the safety and conduct of the students while they are on the bus.
Students using the school bus are expected to give the bus driver and chaperone respect, consideration and cooperation, and always and immediately carry out his/her instructions.
If a student chooses to break a rule, the following processes may be applied:
iii) Principal, parent, student, conference
(v) For minor incidents of a continuing nature, chaperones are encouraged to contact the School’s Coordinator prior to referring to the principal.
The school believes that the bus should be operated in a safe and courteous
The bus driver shall:
The driver of the school bus must first contact the school immediately and relay the following information:
1) Location
2) Number of students on the bus
3) Are there any injuries?
4) Number of vehicles involved
The school will –
1) Call 999 and ambulance services if required
2) Send a relief bus to the scene of the accident.
3) All parents will be notified by telephone by the School Administration Team
In the event that a child is not there for collection when the bus arrives, the chaperone will make a single phone call to the number that was provided by the parents of that child. If, after 5 minutes, the child is not there, the bus is to carry on its journey.
If a child is not collected in the morning, this is to be verbally passed on the Administration Team, as well as being marked on the bus register when it is submitted daily.
It is the responsibility of the chaperone to know of any planned or unplanned absences or changes made to the bus route or pick up times. They should check daily with the Administration Team for any such changes.
The School Administration Team is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the bus
system at the school level.
Dissemination of Information
The School Administration Team shall:
a) Ensure that the regulations, responsibilities and disciplinary channels are made known to staff and students at the beginning of each school year and throughout the year as required.
b) Make available a copy of this handbook for the parents.
c) Institute a year-round follow-up program to encourage a continuing safety consciousness on the part of all students and teachers.
d) Make every effort to inform parents of younger children of their responsibility for their children, in respect to bus safety, expected behaviour and disciplinary measures which will be taken for breach of regulations.
e) Where it is deemed necessary, coordinate meetings with drivers, students, teachers, parents and the Principal.
f) Consider the bus driver as an extension of school staff and ensure that any problems are discussed with the driver immediately.
g) Contact parents and class teachers to confirm any absences on the bus
Bus Cancellations Due to Bad Weather or Road Conditions:
The Principal may cancel buses when weather/road conditions constitute a safety risk to the students being transported. The School Administration Team will contact parents in the event of cancellations.
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