At Loydence, we empower our students to develop respect for all others, become successful lifelong learners, confident individuals and responsible global citizens.
Our mission is to provide all our students with a modern, innovative and balanced education for the life-long benefit of each student, through respecting the rights of others and valuing themselves as learners.
Assessment is the process of obtaining, analysing and interpreting evidence for use by both the students and the teachers to enable learning to be reviewed, planned and improved. It is fully integrated within the delivery of the curriculum and is an essential component of effective classroom practice.
Assessments are ongoing in many forms and may not always be recorded- such as questioning and informal discussions. At Loydence, the term “assessment” is used to mean all activities which provide information on learning and progress which is then used to inform future teaching and learning focus points.
The Assessment Policy and its implementation within and across departments is monitored and evaluated by:
It is the responsibility of the School Principal and Assistant Principal
It is the responsibility of the Head of Arabic and Key Stage Coordinators to apply and embed the principles of the Academy Assessment Policy within departmental practice. In all departmental policies, good practice will be clearly identified through:
It is the responsibility of the teachers to:
The core areas assessed in EYFS for enrollment to Loydence Academy are:
The other 4 key areas included in the EYFS curriculum (Understanding of the World, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Expressive Arts and Design) are not assessed as requirements for entry, but baseline assessments in all areas will take place upon enrollment.
At Loydence Academy, EYFS students will have 3 major checkpoints (one at the end of each term), including formative and summative assessments of the children’s progress. school tracker online tracking program records and collates the assessment and observational data throughout the year.
The achievement of learning objectives are calculated on an ongoing basis throughout the year, with the child’s chronological age also taken into account. By the end of the Reception year, all children are expected to have achieved the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).
Weightage and Calculations:
Student’s achievement will be calculated based on the below table:
Any student who is absent during the end of term tests, will need to provide a medical certificate in order for another exam to be conducted.
Any student who does not provide a medical certificate will be given zero (0) on their test and the reported level of achieved objectives will reflect that fact.
Any student who is absent for any other reason (for example travel) will not have another test repeated unless special consideration is granted from the Principal.
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