Loydence Academy recognises the importance of clear and effective communications with all stakeholders and is committed to being open and accessible for all who have an interest in the school.
The key stakeholders for a school are parents and pupils and this policy addresses the main ways in which the school ensures effective two-way communication between home and school.
Communications can take a variety of forms: verbal (through meetings or by telephone), written (through letters, Class DOJO, Google classroom, Tapestry and notes in homework diaries, or email). Occasionally a communication may be received second hand or through an intermediary.
We welcome parents into school on a daily basis and will always find time for them if they need to speak to us about anything which may be worrying them.
Effective telephone communication can sometimes be a problem in a school, where teachers may be teaching full time and are otherwise engaged. Teachers will at all times try to respond to a request to phone back as soon as it is possible.
The school nurse will always contact a parent directly to inform them of any health problems their child may have.
For this reason the school has been particularly proactive in encouraging use of Class DOJO and Tapestry. Surveys indicate that the majority of parents are satisfied or very satisfied with the two-way communications they have with school. However, this does not mean that the school always gets things right and this policy aims to clarify the parameters within which we operate to ensure that communication is carried out with all stakeholders and interested parties effectively and clearly.
Aims of the policy:
Communication between the Academy and parents operates in the following ways:-
Service Standards at Loydence Academy
The following response times are usually adhered to:
Complaints Procedure
Initially, concerns should be addressed to the appropriate class teacher or the key phase leader if it’s of a more serious nature. As a point of further escalation and if a parent remains unsatisfied with the measures taken, they are free to raise the matter with the Principal, who will intervene and work with the complaints committee when necessary.
Concerns may be raised either via by Class DOJO, letter, e-mail or phone call. These channels are available to all parents and they
We aim to respond to parent concerns within 24 hours and to resolve them within 3 days. Concerns being raised last thing on Thursdays may not be dealt with until the following working week, and emails sent in holidays will probably elicit no reply until term-time.
We take notice and monitor the nature of complaints at the academy in order to identify trends and address any recurring issues.
We establish a committee to deal with more serious or escalated complaints, this includes:
If the committee needs support and assistance, the team must contact the administration’s complaints e-mail address: ps-complaint@edu.gov.qa
Communication with Students
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